Day 1 |
Opening Ceremony and LoCARNet Plenary
Co-chairs: Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia/ Prof. Ho Chin Siong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Welcome Remarks
Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi, Vice Chancellor, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Dr. Bima Arya Sugiarto, Mayor of Bogor City, Indonesia |
Opening Remarks
Dr. Ir. Agus Sarsito, M For Sc, Director of Production Forest Utilization Planning Directorate General of Department of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia |
Keynote Speech
Co-chairs: Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia/ Prof. Ho Chin Siong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Title: Regional Research Agenda for Low Carbon Development
Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, Professor, University of Indonesia |
Title: Quantitative approach of Asian regional low carbon development within a context of socio-economic development
Prof. Yuzuru Matsuoka, Professor, Kyoto University, Japan |
Plenary 1: Promoting an Integrated Knowledge-Base System for Scientific Low-Carbon Development Policymaking in Asia – Part I
Chair: Mr. Hideyuki Mori, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan/ Rapporteur: Muchamad Muchtar, IGES, Indonesia |
Title: Promoting an Integrated Knowledge Based Low-Carbon Development Policy Making in Asia
Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: The Role of Knowledge for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Development Policy Making in Indonesia
Dr. Endah Murniningtyas, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Indonesia |
Title: Integrated effort for INDC: Japan’s comprehensive, continuous and systematic support for science-based climate policy development in Asia
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, LoCARNet/IGES, Japan |
Plenary 2: Promoting an Integrated Knowledge-Base System for Scientific Low-Carbon Development Policymaking in Asia – Part II
Chair: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, IGES/NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Minal Pathak, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India |
Title: Deep Decarbonization Pathways – Project Overview and Initial Results
Mr. Carl Mas, Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) |
Title: Integrated Knowledge-Based System for Scientific Low-Carbon Development Policymaking in Asia: Focusing on the Big Win-Win
Prof. P. R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India |
Title: Science into Policy – Low carbon Society blueprint
Prof. Ho Chin Siong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia |
Title: Deep Decarbonization Pathway Case: Indonesia Energy Sector
Dr. Ucok Siagian, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia |
Title: Standards and technology to drive a resource efficient and low-carbon Indonesia
Mr. Noer Adi Wardojo, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia |
Day 2 |
Parallel 1-A: Grand Regional Research Strategies (Category: Policy)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. P. R. Shukla, IIMA, India/ Rapporteur: Linh Dieu Nguyen, GIZ, Laos
Resource person: Ms. Aye Kyawt Swe, Mercy Corps (INGO) office in Yangon, Myanmar |
Title: Towards Low Carbon Strategy in Cambodia
Ms. Vichet Ratha Khlok, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia |
Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: Science into Action – Realizing Low carbon society : The case of Iskandar Malaysia
Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia |
Title: Research-Policies-Implementation-Evaluation
Prof. Sirintornthep Towprayoon, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE), Thailand |
Title: Low Carbon Development Research Activities in Vietnam and expectations for LoCARNet CoE Coalition Concept
Dr. Nguyen Tung Lam, Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Viet Nam |
Title: Climate Change International Technical and Training Centre (CITC)
Dr. Jakkanit Kananurak, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)/ Climate Change International Technical and Training Center (CITC) |
Title: Ten actions leading to a low carbon Asia in 2050
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, IGES/National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES), Japan |
Title: Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) and local environment
Dr. Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan |
Title: The Global LEDS Partnership and Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector (AFOLU) – Advancing Climate-Resilient Low Emission Development in the AFOLU Sector
Mr. Brett Shields, Spatial Informatics Group, Singapore |
Parallel 1-B: Local Research Initiatives for Supporting Strategies (Category: Action)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Lawin Bastian, The National Council on Climate Change (DNPI), Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Syahrina D. Anggraini, Carbon and Environmental Research Indonesia (CER Indonesia), Indonesia |
Title: Strategic plans of Sam Ratulangi University to participate in low carbon emission initiatives
Dr. Stephanus Mandagi, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado |
Title: Strengthening Planning Capacity for Low Carbon Growth in Indonesia: A CGE Country Analysis
Dr. Djoni Hartono, University of Indonesia |
Title: Readiness on Emission Reduction in East Kalimantan
Prof. Dedi Hadriyanto, University of Mulawarman, Samarinda |
Title: Implementation of the GHG Inventory at North Sumatera Province
Dr. Ir. Hj. Hidayati, BLH North Sumatera Province |
Title: Local low carbon development initiatives in Fukushima
Dr. Kei Gomi, NIES, Japan |
Parallel 1-C: Carbon Monitoring System Innovation, toward low carbon campus, city and region (Category: Action/Monitoring)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Fitra Aidiella Dachlan, Individual consultant, Indonesia |
Title: Innovative Monitoring and Modelling Research toward Low Carbon Society
Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan |
Title: Campus Energy Monitoring System
Mr. Bregas Budianto, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: Satelite Monitoring Research of GHG and Future Policy Extension
Dr. Tatsuya Yokota, NIES, Japan |
Title: Monitoring of atmospheric methane from GOSAT over Monsoon Asia
Prof. Sachiko Hayashida, Nara Women’s University, Japan |
Title: CO2 Emission Reduction Through Green Building Concepts
Mr. Rana Yusuf, Green Building Council Foundation, Indonesia |
Title: Innovative and Integrative Monitoring System for Low Carbon Society
Dr. Toshiaki Ariyama, Fujitsu Co., Japan |
Title: Land Cover Change Analysis for Supporting Indonesia’s National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS)
Mrs. Tatik Kartika, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesia |
Title: An Institutional Approach to Campus Sustainability Culture
Prof Azlan Abdul Rahman, UTM, Malaysia |
Parallel 1-D: Policy – Relevant Synthesis of Low Carbon Initiatives in Asia (Category: Research/Action)
Chair/Moderator: Ms. Taniya Koswatta, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
Title: LCI Project Outcomes & Relevance for Decision Makers
Ms. Taniya Koswatta, Asia Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
Title: Capacity Building for Implementing a ‘Measurable, Verifiable and Reportable (MRV)’ Model in a Mid-Sized Thai Municipality”
Ms. Shom TEOH, IGES Regional Center, Thailand |
Title: Strengthening Community Voices in REDD-plus Policy
Mr. Kirtiman Sherchan, Cambodia |
Ms. Kriti Nagrath, Development Alternatives, India |
Title: Understanding and Quantifying the
Water, Energy and Carbon Nexus for Low Carbon Development in Asian Cities
Mr. Ashish Shrestha, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
Title: Integrated sustainability assessment of bioenergy potentials in Asia: An application of a hybrid approach on trade-offs and pathways (PIC-STRAP)
Prof. Damasa B.M. Macandog, University of Philippines, Philippines |
Title: Low Carbon Urban Infrastructure Investment: Cases of China, Indonesia, and Japan
Ms. Takako Wakiyama, IGES, Japan |
Parallel 2-A: New co-financing model of research partnership in the Asia-Pacific (Category: Policy)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Akio Takemoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan/ Rapporteur: Mohamad Ridwan, Indonesia
Resource person: Ms. Taniya Koswatta, APN Secretariat |
Title: New co-financing model of research partnership in the Asia-Pacific
Dr. Akio Takemoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Mr. Sabar Ginting, Ministry of Environment, Clean and Renewable Energy, Indonesia (APN government focal point) |
Title: Co-Financing Partnership between APN and Sri Lanka
Mr. B M U D Basnayake / Mr. Mahesh Chamara, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy, Sri Lanka |
Title: Fiscal Policy for Green Economy
Prof. Singgih Riphat, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia |
Title: Climate Bonds – a growing source of climate finance
Mr. Brett Shields, Spatial Informatics Group, Singapore |
Title: APN CO-Financing Partnership
Ms. Taniya Koswatta, Asia Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
Parallel 2-B: Low Carbon and Resilient Cities – Showcasing Concrete Actions and Good practices (Category: Action)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia/ Rapporteur: Vu Duc Canh, Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vietnam |
Title: LOW CARBON AND RESILIENT CITIES Good Practice and Future Action of Low Carbon Society Iskandar Malaysia
Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia |
Prof. Manmohan Kapshe, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India |
Prof. Ranjith Perera, AIT/Oman university |
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Tuan, Ho Chi Minh City University for Natural Resources and Environment, Viet Nam |
BSD CITY NEWTOWN DEVELOPMENT- Low carbon initiative through City transport model and Green Building
Mr. Ignesjz Kemalawarta, PT Bumi Serpong Damai Sinarmas Land, Indonesia |
Title: Asia Low Carbon City Design – the case of Iskandar Malaysia Eco Life Challenge
Dr. Junichi Fujino , NIES, Japan |
Title: Low Carbon Development: Voices from the Cities
Ms. Gina Karina, ICLEI Indonesia |
Parallel 2-C: REDD+ and Community-Based Forest Management (Category: Research/Monitoring)
Chair/Moderator: Mr. Pudyatmoko Satyawan, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Shintia Dian Arwida, Center for International and Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia |
Title: Experiences Developing Community Based Forest Management to Support REDD+ Implementation in Meru Betiri National Park, Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Mr. Nurhadi, KAIL Indonesia |
Title: Community Engagement in REDD+ in Cambodia
Mr. Kirtiman Sherchan, Cambodia |
Title: Voluntary Carbon Project in Gunung Walat University Forest
Dr. Tatang Tiryana, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: Community Forest Ecosystem Services (CFES)
Mr. Ahmad Kusworo, FFI Indonesia Programme |
Mrs. Subakti Rahayu, ICRAF Indonesia |
Title: A lesson-learn of large scale land-base carbon credits for long-term funding mechanism of community based mangrove restoration and livelihoods development in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Mr. Bambang Suprayogi, Yagasu Indonesia |
Parallel 2-D: Low-carbon, climate-resilient society: Integration of mitigation and adaptation policies in cities in Asia (Category: Research)
Chair/Moderator: Mr. Isao Endo, IGES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Regine Joy Evangelista, World Agroforestry Centre, Philippines |
Title: Experiences in Mainstreaming CC into IWRM at CRB
Dr. Yuli Suharnoto, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: Program Kampung Iklim (ProKlim): Local Action to Respond Climate Change
Mrs. Yulia Suryanti, Ministry of Environment, Indonesia |
Title: Toward Watershed Resilience Through Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation : Case Study of Singkarak Watershed, West Sumatra – Indonesia
Mrs. Farida, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Indonesia |
Ms. Erlinda C. Creencia, City ENRO, City Government of Santa Rosa, Laguna, The Philippines |
Title: Ecosystem-based, integrated watershed management to address climate change
Dr. Damasa B.M. Macandog, University of the Philippines |
Title: Urban climate projection technology using multi-down scaling
Dr. Manabu Kanda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
Mrs. Erni Pelita Fitratunnisa, BPLHD DKI Jakarta, Indonesia |
Day 3 |
Parallel 3-A: GHG reduction potential in Each Country and Role of Research Community (Category: Research)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Teh Bor Tsong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Resource person: Head of Data, Statistic and Information, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia |
Title: Low Carbon Development Path of Energy Sector and Role of Research Community
Dr. Retno Gumilang Dewi, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia |
Title: Previous GHG mitigation options in Japan and discussion toward 2 degree C target
Dr. Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan |
Parallel 3-B: Remote Sensing and Sustainable Forestry Management (Category: Research)
Chairs/Moderators: Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan and Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Fitra Aidiella Dachlan, Individual consultant, Indonesia |
Dr. Tatsuya Yokota, NIES, Japan |
Title: THE INDONESIAN NATIONAL CARBON ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: Supporting Indonesia’s emissions reporting requirements and MRV for REDD+
Dr. Haruni Krisnawati, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia |
Title: Eco System Research: Assessment Research based on Remote Sensing Data
Dr. Makoto Ooba, NIES, Japan |
Title: Forest and Land Cover Monitoring by Remote Sensing Data Analysis
Dr. Muhammad Ardiansyah, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Title: Introducing detailed land-based mitigation technologies into a CGE model: Application to Indonesia
Dr. Tomoko Hasegawa, NIES, Japan |
Wrap-up Sesion
Chair: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, IGES/NIES, Japan |
Plenary 1: Promoting an Integrated Knowledge-Base System for Scientific Low-Carbon Development Policymaking in Asia – Part I
Chair: Mr. Hideyuki Mori, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan/ Rapporteur: Muchamad Muchtar, IGES, indonesia |
Plenary 2: Promoting an Integrated Knowledge-Base System for Scientific Low-Carbon Development Policymaking in Asia – Part II
Chair: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, IGES/NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Minal Pathak, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India |
Parallel 1-A: Grand Regional Research Strategies (Category: Policy)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. P. R. Shukla, IIMA, India/ Rapporteur: Linh Dieu Nguyen, GIZ, Laos |
Parallel 1-B: Local Research Initiatives for Supporting Strategies (Category: Action)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Lawin Bastian, The National Council on Climate Change (DNPI), Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Syahrina D. Anggraini, Carbon and Environmental Research Indonesia |
Parallel 1-C: Carbon Monitoring System Innovation, toward low carbon campus, city and region (Category: Action/Monitoring)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Fitra Aidiella Dachlan, Individual consultant, Indonesia |
Parallel 1-D: Policy – Relevant Synthesis of Low Carbon Initiatives in Asia (Category: Research/Action)
Chair/Moderator: Ms. Taniya Koswatta, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
Parallel 2-A: New co-financing model of research partnership in the Asia-Pacific (Category: Policy)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Akio Takemoto, Ministry of the Environment, Japan/ Rapporteur: Mohamad Ridwan, Indonesia |
Parallel 2-B: Low Carbon and Resilient Cities – Showcasing Concrete Actions and Good practices (Category: Action)
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia/ Rapporteur: Vu Duc Canh, Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vietnam |
Parallel 2-C: REDD+ and Community-Based Forest Management (Category: Research/Monitoring)
Chair/Moderator: Mr. Pudyatmoko Satyawan, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Shintia Dian Arwida, Center for International and Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia |
Parallel 2-D: Low-carbon, climate-resilient society: Integration of mitigation and adaptation policies in cities in Asia (Category: Research)
Chair/Moderator: Mr. Isao Endo, IGES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Regine Joy Evangelista, World Agroforestry Centre, Philippines |
Parallel 3-A: GHG reduction potential in Each Country and Role of Research Community (Category: Research)
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan/ Rapporteur: Teh Bor Tsong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia |
Parallel 3-B: Remote Sensing and Sustainable Forestry Management (Category: Research)
Chairs/Moderators: Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan and Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia/ Rapporteur: Fitra Aidiella Dachlan, Individual consultant, Indonesia |
Introduction to LoCARNet 4th Annual Meeting in Malaysia |
Title: UTM Welcomes LoCARNet 2015
Prof. Azlan Abdul Rahman, UTM, Malaysia |
Closing Remarks |
Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto, Chancellor, Bogor Agricultural University |