LoCARNet is a network of researchers that facilitates the formulation and implementation of science-based policies for low-carbon development in the Asian region.
The aim of LoCARNet is to facilitate science-based policies in order to realise a sustainable future based on a stabilised climate. To this end, the network endeavours to establish research capacity in the region based on South-South-North cooperation, and to reflect research findings into actual policies to achieve low-carbon growth.
Knowledge cluster for low-carbon growth research: Low carbon growth research needs broad disciplinary knowledge, tools and methods for integration into practical policy process towards a sustainable future. We need knowledge sharing networks for exchanging wisdom to strengthen research capacity in the Asian region.
“Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet)” is a multi-layered, flexible network, open for researchers and like-minded stakeholders, to share their knowledge and experience, to promote research cooperation related to low-carbon growth, and to provide inputs to policy making processes.
LCS-RNet Secretariat c/o Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0115, Japan
E-mail: lcs-rnet@iges.or.jp ⁄ Fax: +81 (0)46 855 3809
The aim of LoCARNet is to facilitate science-based policies in order to realise a sustainable future based on a stabilised climate. To this end, the network endeavours to establish research capacity in the region based on South-South-North cooperation, and to reflect research findings into actual policies to achieve low-carbon growth.
- The International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) proposed the establishment of a network called the “Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet)” at ASEAN+3 Environmental Minister Meeting (EMM) held in October 2011 in Cambodia.
- Japan/LCS-RNet proposed the establishment of a network called the “Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet)”at ASEAN+3 EMM held in October 2011 in Cambodia.
- The launch of the LoCARNet was declared at the side-event of the “East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership Dialogue” held in April 2012 in Japan.
2.Target and Objectives
- The LoCARNet launched by IGES in close cooperation with NIES, promotes research to support the development of policies for low-carbon growth by enabling dialogue between scientists and policy-makers.
- The LoCARNet facilitates Asian region to move forward with low-carbon growth, with a number of ongoing favourable conditions to turn challenges into opportunities.
3.Uniqueness of LoCARNet
- Network of prominent researchers who are deeply involved in low-carbon development policy processes in this region.
- Science-Science-Policy Dialogue : LoCARNet promotes research for policies towards low-carbon growth by enabling a sufficient amount of dialogue between scientists and policy-makers.
- Ownership of knowledge by countries : LoCARNet also encourages collaboration amongst researchers in-country whose research capacity and scientific knowledge are firmly grounded in their home countries.
- South-South-North Collaboration : LoCARNet aims to increase in research capacity in the AP region through knowledge sharing and information exchange, in the scheme of not only north-south cooperation, but also south-south regional cooperation.

4.Transitions towards Sustainable Low Carbon Growth in Asia
- "Leapfrogging" will open the way for Asian countries to lead the way to a low-carbon society at the global level.
- It is never too soon for Asia to respond to the rapid changes caused by climate change. We have to deliver a prompt and concerted response to climate stabilisation combining global wisdom and promoting knowledge sharing and information exchange.
- We need to lay down a common foundation for knowledge sharing, where we can share/combine the wisdom in this region from various fields.
5.Future Directions
- There is a need to enhance collaboration with other stakeholders. International organisations and development practitioners can cooperate toward low-carbon research and provide support to build up a research exchange network/platform. Private sector collaboration will also become more important for green investment and green growth.
- Coordination and collaboration are vital at the national, sub-national/cities and regional levels. This will strengthen ownership of knowledge, and also accelerate the speed of low-carbon growth in Asia.
LCS-RNet Secretariat c/o Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0115, Japan
E-mail: lcs-rnet@iges.or.jp ⁄ Fax: +81 (0)46 855 3809