Day 1 – November 21, 2018 |
9:00-9:30 Official Opening Ceremony
Venue: Mezzanine Ballroom |
Prof. Dr. Rizaldi Boer, Executive Director, CCROM SEAP, Bogor
Agricultural University, Indonesia
Dr. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, Director General of Climate Change,
Ministry of the Environment and Forestry of Indonesia (MoEF) |
Mr. Ryuzo Sugimoto, Director, International Cooperation and Sustainable Infrastructure Office, Global Environmental Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) |
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, Councilor, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
Prof. Dr. Tsuyoshi Fujita, Director, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
Dr. Arif Satria, Rector, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
9:30-10:10 Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Dr. Junichi Fujino, Programme Director, City Taskforce, IGES
Venue: Mezzanine Ballroom |
KN_1 |
Emission Pathways and System Transitions in Asia: Lessons from IPCC Special Report on ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C
Prof. Priyadarshi R. Shukla, Co-Chair, IPCC WG III |
KN_2 |
Roles of Research Communities for Low Carbon Development and Climate Change Responses
Dr. Nur Masripatin, Indonesian Climate Change Focal Point |
10:10-10:40 Photo Session and Coffee Break |
10:40-12:00 Plenary Session 1 (4 presentations X 20 minutes)
Moderator: Dr. Junichi Fujino, Programme Director, City Taskforce, IGES
Rapporteur: Ms. Syahrina D. Anggraini
Venue: Mezzanine Ballroom |
P1_1 |
Experience on Participatory Processes for Low Carbon Future
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, Senior Research Advisor, IGES, Japan |
P1_2 |
Transformational Change for Rapid Decarbonization of Urban Development: China Experiences
Dr. Jiang Kejun, Director of Energy Research Institute (ERI), National Development and Reform Commission, China |
P1_3 |
Deep Decarbonization of Agriculture and Forest Development: Challenges for Food Security
Prof. Dr. Rizaldi Boer, Executive Director, CCROM SEAP, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
P1_4 |
Unlocking the Potential of Tropical Forests for Climate Change Solution
Dr. Daniel Nepstad, President and Founder, Earth Innovation Institute |
12:00-13:15 Lunch Break |
13:15-15:15 Parallel Sessions (5-6 presentations X 15 minutes) + discussion (45 minutes)
Room A: Parallel 1-1A and 1-2A (Venue: Mezzanine Ballroom)
Room B: Parallel 1-1B and 1-2B (Venue: Monas 1) |
Parallel Session 1-1 A: Bottom-Up Jurisdictional Innovation to Unlock the Potential of Tropical Forests as a Climate Change Solution
Chair: Dr. Daniel Nepstad , President and Founder of Earth Innovation Institute Rapporteur: Ms. Ai Farida |
PS1-1A_1 |
Implementation of REDD through Jurisdictional Approach in East Kalimantan: Challenge and Ways to Address
Prof. Dr. Ir. Daddy Ruhiyat, M.Sc., University of Mulawarman |
PS1-1A_2 |
Early Mover REDD+ Jurisdiction: Lesson from the Sate of Acre, Brazil
Dr. Alberto Tavares, Director, Acre Company for “Developing Ecosystem Services” |
PS1-1A_3 |
Voluntary, Global Multi-Stakeholder Platforms: RSPO Jurisdictional Certification Pilot
Dr. Silvia Irawan, Executive Director, INOBU |
PS1-1A_4 |
Challenge on Mitigation Aspect of Commercial Agriculture in Peatland Indonesia
Dr. Lee Ser Huay Janice Teresa, Nanjang Technology University-Singapore |
PS1-1A_5 |
How Project Level Initiatives Can Contribute to Regional and National Targets
Mr. Dharsono Hartono, CEO, PT Rimba Makmur Utama |
Parallel Session 1-1 B: Mitigation in Asia – Lessons Learnt from Actions Taken by Various Stakeholders
Chair: Dr. Jun Ichihara, Chief Adviser, Project to Support the Planning and Implementation of NAMAs in a MRV Manner (SPI-NAMA) in Vietnam, JICA / IGES Rapporteur: Ms. Annuri Rossita |
PS1-1B_1 |
Japan’s Efforts on Mitigation in Asia
Mr. Ryuzo Sugimoto, Director, International Cooperation and Sustainable Infrastructure Office, Global Environmental Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) |
PS1-1B_2 |
Current Status and Challenges to Implement NDC in Indonesia
Dr. Nur Masripatin, Indonesian Climate Change Focal Point |
PS1-1B_3 |
Experience on the Implementation of T-VER – How T-VER Encourages Private Sector to Contribute to Meet NDC Target in Thailand?
Dr. Pongvipa Lohssomboon, Deputy Executive Director, TGO |
PS1-1B_4 |
Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050 – Ever-better Manufacturing
Mr. Yoshihisa Nakagawa, Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan |
PS1-1B_5 |
Challenges to Promoting RE and EE
Dr. Ucok Siagian, Bandung Institute of Technology |
PS1-1B_6 |
Addressing Global Challenges through Multi-Partnerships in Environmental Governance in Indonesia: Case of “Desa Makmur Perduli Api” (Prosperous Fire Free Village) Programme
Dr. Joni Jupesta, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of PT. Sinar Mas Agro Resource and Technology (SMART) Tbk |
15:15-15:45 Break |
15:45-17:45 Parallel Sessions (5 presentations X 15 minutes) + discussion (45 minutes) |
Parallel Session 1-2 A: Urban and Rural Low Carbon and Climate Resilience Development
Chair: Dr. Akhmad Faqih, Lecturer, Bogor Agricultural University Rapporteur: Mr. Irfan Kemal Putra |
PS1-2A_1 |
Paris Target and Challenges for Realizing Urban and Rural Low Carbon Development
Prof. Dr. Ambuj Sagar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
PS1-2A_2 |
Dr. Gabriel Grimsditch, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Unit |
PS1-2A_3 |
Low Carbon Farming
Prof. Dr. Sirintornthep Towprayoon, JGSEE-CEE, KMUTT, Thailand |
PS1-2A_4 |
Integrated Watershed Management toward Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Communities: The Case of Santa Rosa-Silang Subwatershed
Prof. Damasa Macandog, University of the Philippines Los Baños |
PS1-2A_5 |
Peat conservation and water management
Dr. Bandung Sahari, GAPKI |
Parallel Session 1-2 B: Innovative Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System in Asian Countries Chair: Dr. Shuichi Ashina, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan Rapporteur: Ms. Marissa Malahayati |
PS1-2B_1 |
Spatial Low Carbon Modelling for Urban Development: Japan Experience Dr. Kei Gomi, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
PS1-2B_2 |
Lesson Learnt: Monitoring Impact of Adaptation Program in Indonesia using SIDIK
Ms. Sri Tantri , Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia |
PS1-2B_3 |
Expanding Methodology Plan by Using Data Fusion Method
Dr. Seiya Maki, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
PS1-2B_4 |
Challenges for Developing Effective MRV System for Industrial/Energy Sector
Dr. Retno Gumilang Dewi, Bandung Institute of Technology |
PS1-2B_5 |
Monitoring System for Green Campus
Mr. Bregas Budianto, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
Day 2 – November 22, 2018 |
09:00-12:30 Parallel Session (10 presentations X 15 minutes) + discussion (20 minutes) + break (10 minutes)
Room A: Parallel 2-1A and 2-2A (Venue: Mezzanine Ballroom)
Room B: Parallel 2-1B and 2-2B (Venue: Monas 1) |
Parallel Session 2-1 A: Unlocking the Potential of Tropical Forests for Climate Change Solution (selected papers)
Chair: Dr. I Putu Santikayasa Rapporteur: Ms. Ai Farida |
PS2-1A_1 |
The role of multi-stakeholder forums in subnational jurisdictions in halting deforestation in Muaro Bungo, Jambi
Shintia Dian Arwida, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) |
PS2-1A_2 |
Lesson Learned of Social Forestry Practice in a Forest and Climate Change Project in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Fitta Setiajiati, Forest and Climate Change Programme – Financial Cooperation Module (FORCLIME FC) |
PS2-1A_3 |
Mitigation: Lessons Learnt from Botanical Gardens in Indonesia
Oot Hotimah, Jakarta State University |
PS2-1A_4 |
Potential of Eco-Tourism in Open Space of Kahayan Riverside Area of Palangka Raya City
Noor Hamidah, Department of Architecture, Engineering Faculty, Palangkaraya University |
PS2-1A_5 |
Transforming A Tourism Destination Into A Green Economy: A Policy Analysis of Wakatobi Island, Indonesia
Pir Owners, College of Business Victoria University Melbourne |
PS2-1A_6 |
Parallel Session 2-2 A: Urban and Rural Low Carbon and Climate Resilience Development (selected papers)
Chair: Dr. Akhmad Faqih Rapporteur: Mr. Irfan Kemal Putra |
PS2-2A_1 |
District Level Carrying Capacity-Based Spatial Planning Towards Low Carbon Development
Triyoga Widiastomo, INOBU |
PS2-2A_2 |
Vulnerability Analysis to Climate Change in Lembeh Island, North Sulawesi
Endang Retnowati, Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia (TERANGI) |
PS2-2A_3 |
The Role of Social Practices on the Climate Resilience of Fishermen Communities in Semarang Coastal Area
Choirul Amin, Faculty of Geography, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta |
PS2-2A_4 |
Lesson Learned from Belitung Mangrove Park: Converting inactive tin mining area to mangrove tourism park to support ecosystem rehabilitation and carbon sequestration
Mikael Prastowo Sesotyo Widodo, Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia (TERANGI) |
PS2-2A_5 |
Spatial Dynamics Of Agricultural Lands In Regions With High Pressure Land Use Change (Case Study of Purwakarta Regency)
Irman Firmansyah, System Dynamics Center |
PS2-2A_6 |
Parallel Session 2-1 B: Mitigation in Asia – Lessons Learnt from Actions Taken by Various Stakeholders (selected papers)
Chair: Prof. Hidayat Pawitan Rapporteur: Ms. Annuri Rossita |
PS2-1B_1 |
Challenges in Development of Mitigation Options: A Case of Bogor City
Syahrina D. Anggraini, CER Indonesia |
PS2-1B_2 |
The Role of GHG Mitigation in Land-Use and Forestry Sector to the Economy in Indonesia
Marissa Malahayati, Research Assistant, NIES |
PS2-1B_3 |
Analysis on Indonesian Forest and Land Fire Controlling Operational Policies. Case Study: Siak Regency, Riau Province
Irfan Kemal Putra, Natural Resources and Environmental Management Department, Bogor Agricultural University |
PS2-1B_4 |
Drought Mitigation Strategy Of Farmer In South of West Java
Arini Hardjanto, Department of Resource and Environment Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural University |
PS2-1B_5 |
Development of AIM/End-use Models for Selecting Low Carbon Technology in Indonesia’s Iron and Steel Industry
Gissa Navira Sevie, Center for Research on Energy Policy Bandung Institute of Technology |
PS2-1B_6 |
Fixed Carbon Biochar Potential of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches as a Carbon Storage in Agricultural in Indonesia
Johanis R. Panggala, Natural Resources and Environmental Management Department, Bogor Agricultural University |
Parallel Session 2-2 B: Innovative Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System in Asian Countries (selected papers)
Chair: Dr. Rahmat Hidayat Rapporteur: Ms. Marissa Malahayati |
PS2-2B_1 |
Energy Efficiency Monitoring in Textile Industries for Achieving GHG Emissions Reduction Target in Indonesia
Rias Parinderati, Center for Research on Energy Policy Bandung Institute of Technology |
PS2-2B_2 |
Combining Participatory Mapping, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning for Mapping Climate Induced Landslide Susceptibility in Lembeh Island, North Sulawesi
Safran Yusri, Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia (TERANGI) |
PS2-2B_3 |
Climate Change Impact: Evidence from Deforestation Model
Dr. Armi Susandi, Bandung Institute of Technology |
PS2-2B_4 |
Projected changes in the characteristics of rain and temperature trends in Java Island using AIMS Model version 1.0
I Dewa Gede Arya Putra, Physics Department, Natural Science Faculty, Universitas of Indonesia |
PS2-2B_5 |
Development Of Algorithms For Lst Measurement From NOAA-11/AVHRR Satellite Data
Cecep Rustana, Physics Departement – State University of Jakarta |
PS2-2B_6 |
Modelling the Distribution of Porites (Poritidae) in Indonesia
Safran Yusri, Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia (TERANGI) |
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break |
13:30-15:30 Plenary Session: How We Could Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking by Bridging the Gap between Policymakers and Research Communities?
Moderator: Dr. Toshihiko Masui, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Rapporteur: Ms. Syahrina D. Anggraini |
P2_1 |
Introduction of This Session: Model and Policy Making Process
Dr. Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan |
P2_2 |
Climate Mitigation Policies and Role of Models in Thailand
Prof. Bundit Limmeechokchai, SIIT-TU, Thailand |
P2_3 |
Carbon Neutral Target and Role of Models in Bhutan (title: TBD)
Mr. Phuntsho Wangdi, Mechanical Engineer, Regulatory and Safety Division (RSD), RSTA, Thimphu |
P2_4 |
Climate Development And Model in ISKANDAR Malaysia
Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia |
P2_5 |
SDGs And National Policies
Dr. Tsuyoshi Fujita, NIES, Japan |
15.30-17.00 Closing Session |
P3_1 |
Report from ICLCA Mayors’ Forum, University of Technology Malaysia (10 min)
Prof. Ho Chin Siong, UTM, Malaysia and Dr. Junichi Fujino, Programme Director, City Taskforce, IGES |
P3_2 |
Report Back from Parallel Session 1A (10 min)
Ms. Ai Farida |
P3_3 |
Report Back from Parallel Session 2A (10 min)
Mr. Irfan Kemal Putra |
P3_4 |
Report Back from Parallel Session 1B (10 min) Ms. Annuri Rossita |
P3_5 |
Report Back from Parallel Session 2B (10 min)
Ms. Marissa Malahayati |
P3_6 |
Discussion on Jakarta Declaration (20 min) |
P3_7 |
Discussion on LoCARNet Future Plan (15 min) |
P3_8 |
Closing Remarks (5 min)
Dr.Ir. Aji Hermawan, Head of LPPM, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |