Day 1 |
Welcome and Opening
[Chair] Mikiko Kainuma, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
Welcome and opening
Chair: Sergio La Motta, ENEA |
Welcome addresses
Roberto Morabito, ENEA |
Introduction of the Meeting
Shuzo Nishioka, LCS-RNet Secretariat / IGES |
Messages for policymakers from IPCC and the added value of LCS-RNet
Jim Skea, Imperial College London |
Plenary 1: Can low carbon societies deliver on energy policy goals including security and affordability?
Chair: Jim Watson, UKERC/Rapporteur: Rosella Virdis , ENEA |
How to deliver better policies integration?
Takashi Hattori, IEA |
Energy security and climate policies: An unequal and transient marriage
Jessica Jewell, IIASA |
Parallel Session 1-1: Innovative solutions to respond to the needs of the power system
Chair: Stefan Lechtenbohmer, WI/Rapporteur: Sergio La Motta, ENEA |
From Theory to Reality – the Response to Climate Change
H. M. Henning, Fraunhofer ISE |
Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel based power sector through CCS
Paolo Deiana, ENEA |
Improvements of electric and thermal energy storage
Christine Krüger, WI |
Parallel Session 1-2: Energy use and behavior
Chair: Andrea Bigano, CMCC/Rapporteur: Maria Yetano, WI |
Benefits for whom? Energy efficiency within the efficient market
Dario Chello, ENEA |
User-integrated innovation in Sustainable Living Labs: Improve energy efficiency through behavioral change?
Julia Nordmann, WI |
Governance and communication for energy efficiency
Stefan Thomas, WI |
Plenary 2: Common challenge in resource efficiency improvement
Chair: Roberto Morabito, ENEA/Rapporteur: Satoshi Kojima , IGES |
The transitional theory: clustering LCS, water and waste management, circular economy in order to achieve a wider transition towards LCS
Derk Loorbach , DRIFT |
Exploring the economic case for low carbon cities: building momentum for a circular urban economy
Sarah Colenbrander, University of Leeds |
Parallel Session 2-1: Resource efficiency improvement in the industrial sector in the more general framework of the joint transition to LCS and green economy
Chair: Manfred Fischedick, WI/Rapporteur: Laura Cutaia, ENEA |
Basic materials in a LCS-transition
Max Ahman and Lars Nilsson, Lund University |
Transitioning to a low-carbon society: Thoughts from an SCP perspective
Magnus Bengtsson, IGES |
Reuse and recovery of raw materials, material flow (industrial symbiosis)
Claudia Brunori, ENEA |
Parallel Session 2-2: LCS and related Resource efficiency improvement in territo-ries management
Chair: Vincent Viguie, CIRED/Rapporteur: M. Peronaci, ENEA |
Urban GHG emissions and resource flows: methods for understanding the complex func-tioning of cities
Maria Yetano, WI |
Rethinking cities in a post-carbon society– A French perspective
Antoine Riviere, MEDDE |
Rome as a low carbon & resilient city
Claudio Baffioni, Municipality of Rome |
Panel discussion: What the climate decision makers need from the research sector
Chair: Hironori Hamanaka, IGES |
Raimondo Orsini, Italian States General of the Green Economy |
Lucy Hayes, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change |
Richard Lavergne, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy |
Stefan Lechtenbohmer, WI, Germany |
Naoya Tsukamoto, IGES, Japan |
Day 2 |
Plenary 3: Make low-carbon and resilient investments as leverage to renovate economy in crisis
Chair: Tomohiro Sudo, JICA/Rapporteur: Christophe Cassen, CIRED |
A “paradigm shift” in the climate affair
J. C. Hourcade, CIRED |
Environmental Fiscal Reform for promoting Low Carbon Economies
A. Ravazzi , Italian Ministry of Environment |
Parallel Session 3-1: Barriers and opportunities of financing/investing in mitiga-tion and adaptation
Chair: J. C. Hourcade, CIRED/Rapporteur: Daniela Palma, ENEA |
Barriers and opportunities for the cities
Tomonori Sudo, JICA |
Trade-offs and synergies in urban climate policies – The case of Paris
Vincent Viguie, CIRED |
The role of PPPs in scaling up financial flows in the post-Kyoto regime
Giulia Galluccio, FEEM/CMCC |
Parallel Session 3-2: Building consensus to support climate change policies: genu-ine public engagement & bottom up local low carbon initiatives
Chair: Jim Watson, UKERC/Rapporteur: Oscar Amerighi, ENEA |
Local experiences in energy transition
Patrizia Lombardi, POLITO |
The participatory process to a low carbon economy in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Manfred Fischedick, WI |
Public values for energy system change
Karen Parkhill, Bangor University |
Plenary 4: Big win-win is here in directing low carbon resilient development path
Chair: Toshihiko Masui, NIES/Rapporteur: Ioanna Ketsopoulou, UKERC |
How can research serve international policy-making towards low carbon development path? Looking forward
P. R. Shukla, IIMA |
Potential of the UNFCCC’s technology mechanism to foster RD&D towards realizing low carbon development
Gabriel Blanco, Universidad Nacional del Centro Argentina |
Parallel Session 4-1: Challenges in developing countries
Chair: P. R. Shukla, IIMA/Rapporteur: Koji Fukuda, UNDP |
GIZ’s approaches: low-emission development strategies – Need for support from research
Bernhard Zymla, GIZ |
The Theory of No Change – a tool for analyzing capacity building needs for low carbon development
Christine Wörlen, Arepo Consult |
Role of research community in developing countries implementation of low carbon socie-ties concept – The case of Iskandar Malaysia
Ho Chin Siong, UTM |
Parallel Session 4-2: How can emission pathway modeling contribute to raising ambition levels of nationally determined contributions (NDC)?
Chair: Kentaro Tamura, IGES/Rapporteur: Takeshi Kuramochi, IGES |
How can emission pathway modeling contribute to raising ambition levels of nationally determined contributions (NDC)? – Modeling the roadmap of Thailand’s NAMAs and raising ambition levels of INDCs
Bundit Limmeechokchai, Thammasat University |
Emission pathway modeling to analyze national ambition levels of decarbonization
Mikiko Kainuma, IGES/NIES |
Panel discussion on the future plan of LCS-RNet towards COP21 in Paris
Chairs: Sergio La Motta, ENEA / J. C. Hourcade, CIRED |
Ravazzi , Italian Ministry of Environment |
Jim Watson, UEKRC |
Naoya Tsukamoto, IGES |
Stefan Lechtenbohmer, WI |
Closing |