CIRED organizes “Triggering the Low Carbon Transition: Articulating Carbon Pricing and Climate Finance”

Titel :  Triggering the Low Carbon Transition: Articulating Carbon Pricing and Climate Finance

Date:   3 July 2017

Venue:  AgroParistech-ENGREF, Paris, France

Agenda:  Program_TriggeringLCTransion_030717_3


CIRED, a member of Steering Group of LCS-RNet,  organizes a conference on carbon pricing on 3rd July in Paris. The objective of the conference is to discuss with experts the implications of the Stern-Stiglitz Commission outcomes, “Report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices“.

The conference is important in the French context of a new government and for the progress of combining carbon pricing and climate finance, two years after the LCS-RNet Position Statement before COP21.



14:00 – 15:30

What good use of the report of the High Level Commission on Carbon Pricing?

Chair: Nadia MAIZI (Mines Paristech)



Priyadarshi SHUKLA (IPCC, co-chair WGⅢ)

Stephane HALLEGATTE (World Bank)

Roundtable with representatives of Schneider Electric, Total(tbc) and EDF


15:30 – 17:00

Forms of carbon pricing and climate finance

Chair: Franck LECOCQ (CIRED, AgroParistech)


Emilie ALBEROLA and Benoit LEGUET (i4C)

Jean-Charles HOURCADE (CIRED, Ecole des Ponts Paristech)

Vincent AUSSILLOUX (France Strategie)


17:00 – 18:00

The new political economy of the Paris Agreement

Chair: Diane SIMIU (French presidency)

Introductory remarkes: Nebojsa NAKICENOVIC (IIASA)

Roundtable with: Hermann OTT (Wuppertal, Former German deputy), Jean Charles HOURCADE  (CIRED, Ecole des Ponts Paristech). Emilio La ROVERE (UFRJ/COPPE) and Michele PAPPALARDO (French Ministry of the Environment, tbc)


Archive (English)