LCS-RNet position statement for COP21

COP21 logo_エッフェル塔




The International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) circulated a position statement after its seventh annual meeting (Paris, June 2015) in the context of the upcoming COP21. The objective was to demonstrate the possibility of scientists of various disciplines, sharing diverse cultures, coming from countries at different development stages, to express common views about the conditions for triggering climate action in the current economic context.

The position statement is downloadable from the following link:

COP21- A moment of truth for climate and sustainable development

COP21- A moment of truth for climate and sustainable development_française

COP21- A moment of truth for climate and sustainable development_Spanish

COP21- A moment of truth for climate and sustainable development_Arabe

COP21- A moment of truth for climate and sustainable development_Japanese

As of October 2015, the position statement was signed by 213 experts and scientists amongst 71 authors, chairs and co-chairs of the IPCC WGIII, top levels development economists and five former ministers. Even more importantly the signatories come from 47 countries covering all world regions.

List of signatories:
LCS-RNet_Statement_List of signatories

Number of signatures by country:
LCS-RNet_Statement_Number of signatories by country

For further details, please contact
LCS-RNet Secretariat
c/o Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
2108-11, Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa, 240-0115, Japan
Email: [email protected]
Fax: +81 (0)46 855 3809

Archive (English)