13 Feb 2013|--

Energy consumption EU27 energy dependence rate at 54% in 2011 Energy consumption down by 6% between 2008 and 2011

EU: The economic slowdown observed in the EU since the beginning of the financial crisis is also visible in the evolution of energy consumption. Gross inland energy consumption1 in the EU27 fell from a level of 1 800 million tonnes of oil equivalent2 (toe) in 2008, to 1 700 mn toe in 2009, increased to 1 760 mn toe in 2010 and then fell again to 1 700 mn toe in 2011. Between 2008 and 2011, energy consumption in the EU27 has decreased by 6%. The energy dependence rate3, defined as net imports divided by gross consumption, and which shows the extent to which a country is dependent on energy imports, was 54% in the EU27 in 2011, nearly stable since 2008. These figures are issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Denmark, Estonia, Romania and the Czech Republic – least dependent on energy importsThe five largest energy consumers in 2011 in the EU27 were Germany (316 mn toe, -7.7% compared with 2008), France (260 mn toe, -4.6%), the United Kingdom (199 mn toe, -9.4%), Italy (173 mn toe, -4.8%) and Spain (129 mn toe, -9.4%), which together accounted for nearly two thirds of total EU27 consumption. (Source: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STAT-13-23_en.htm)

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