15 Jan 2013|--

Greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2.9 percent in 2011 despite nuclear phase out

BMU, Germany: Greenhouse gas emissions are dropping further despite the decommissioning of eight nuclear power plants in 2011. When compared with emissions from 2010, emissions in 2011 fell by 2.9 percent, mainly due to weather conditions. This amounts to 27 million tonnes less carbon dioxide equivalent. The greatest reductions were recorded in combustion plants for the generation of space heating and as a result private household emissions fell. (Source: http://www.bmu.de/en/bmu/press-and-speeches/current-press-releases/pm/artikel/trotz-atomausstieg-klimagasausstoss-sinkt-2011-um-29-prozent/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=103&cHash=a6a3f5f49f1f02a85ca75d05e004657e)

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