Synthesis Report |
Preface |
Ten Key Findings |
Synthesis or Findings |
List of Participants |
Table of Presentations |
Acknowledgement |
Day1 – Dialogue between Policy Makers and Researchers:
Demands and Roles of Sustainable Low Carbon Development Researches from Policy Perspective |
Welcome Addresses
Bundit Fungtammasan, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE) and CHE Center for Energy Technology and Environment (CEE)-KMUTT, Thailand |
Opening Addresses
Sunthud Somchivita, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO), Thailand |
Keynote Speech
Chair: Sirintornthep Towprayoon/ Rapporteur: Sebastien Bonnet |
Session Summary |
KP_1 |
Carbon Reduction as a National Co-benefit, A better life in Low-Carbon City
Sirithan Pairoj-Boriboon, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO), Thailand |
KP_2 |
How to Reach a Low-Carbon Society?
Shuzo Nishioka, International Low Carbon Society Research Network (LCS-RNet)/ Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
Session 1: Low Carbon Society (LCS) Policies and Research Demands from Policy Makers
Chair: Bundit Fungtammasan/ Rapporteur: Komsilp Wangyao |
Session Summary |
S1_1 |
Low-Carbon Society in the 11th National Plan
Montree Boonpanit, National Economics Science and Development Board (NESDB), Thailand |
S1_2 |
Provincial Policies and Action Plans towards Low-Carbon Society
Sunee Piyapanpong, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Planning (ONEP), Thailand |
S1_3 |
Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Development of Low-Carbon Society
Yada Mukdapitak, National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Office, Thailand |
S1_4 |
Japan’s Policy for Low-Carbon Societies
Midori Sasaki, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of Environment (MOEJ), Japan |
Session 2: Low Carbon Society (LCS) Scenario and Roadmaps with Policy Options to Frame Sustainable Low Carbon Development
Chair: Dr. Shuzo Nishioka/ Rapporteur: Dr. Junichi Fujino |
Session Summary |
S2_1 |
Low-Carbon Society: A Green Roadmap for India
Aashish Deshpande, National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India |
S2_2 |
Low-Carbon Society Vision 2030 Thailand
Bundit Limmeechokechai, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University (SIIT-TU), Thailand |
S2_3 |
A Low Carbon Society Scenario Study for Ratchaburi Province, Thailand
Savitri Garivait, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE)-KMUTT, Thailand |
Session 3: Multi-Level Approaches to Achieve Sustainable Low Carbon Development
Chair: Nares Damrongchai/ Rapporteur: Sebastien Bonnet |
Session Summary |
S3_1 |
Low Carbon Target and Activity in Bangkok
Suwanna Jungrungrueng, Department of. Environment, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), Thailand |
S3_2 |
Low Carbon Activities in a Small City : Case of Muang Klang Municipality
Somchai. Chariyacharoen, Muang Klang Municipality, Thailand |
S3_3 |
Low Carbon Society and Sufficiency Economy
Sirintornthep Towprayoon, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE)-KMUTT, Thailand |
S3_3 |
A Green-focused Agenda for Iskandar, Malaysis: Towards a Low Carbon Society
Boyd Dionysius Joeman, Integrated Planning, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Malaysia |
Session 4: Research Infrastructure Supporting Low Carbon Society (LCS)
Chair: Prasertsuk Chamornmarn/ Rapporteur: Komsilp Wangyao |
Session Summary |
S4_1 |
Research Activity Supporting Low Carbon Society by the Thailand Research Fund
Amnat Chidthaisong, JGSEE and Thailand Research Fund’s Center for Research Developments (Thai-GLOB), Thailand |
S4_2 |
National Research Strategy
Chetphong Butthep, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Thailand |
S4_3 |
Research Infrastructure Supporting LCS: Energy Sector
Sittichod Wantawin, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Policy Bureau, Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy, Thailand |
S4_4 |
Towards Low-Carbon Society Research Infrastructure Supporting LCS
Togo Uchida, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Thailand Office, Japan |
Day 1 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Sirintornthep Towprayoon/ Rapporteur: Ms. Kyoko Miwa |
Session Summary |
PD_1 |
Future Scenarios of Low Carbon Society Beyond 2050: An Asia-Pacific’s Aspiration
Nares Damrongchai, APEC Center for Technology Foresight, Thailand |
PD_2 |
Development of Low Carbon Society Scenarios for Iskandar Malaysia and Putrajaya
Ho Chin Siong, Universiti Technology Malaysia |
PD_3 |
Future of Sustainable Low Carbon Development in Asia and How to Approach LCS
Mikiko Kainuma, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
Day 2 – Opportunities and Challenges in Sectors
Cross-Sectoral Approach towards Low Carbon Societies |
Session 5: Approach towards Low Carbon Society (LCS) and Cross-Sectoral Approach
Chair: Shuzo Nishioka |
Session Summary |
S5_1 |
Summary of Day 1
Kyoko Miwa, International Low Carbon Society Research Network (LCS-RNet)/ Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
S5_2 |
Green Growth Roadmap
Rae Kwon Chung, Environment and Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) |
Session 6: Sectoral Issues – Energy
Chair : Eric Zusman/ Rapporteur: Rahul Pandey |
Session Summary |
S6_1 |
Low Carbon Energy Transitions: An Institutional Perspective
Eric Zusman, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
S6_2 |
Efforts Towards a Lower Carbon Energy System in Thailand
Bundit Fungtammasan, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE) and CHE Center for Energy Technology and Environment (CEE)-KMUTT, Thailand |
S6_3 |
Opportunities and Challenges towards low carbon transportation
Chamroon Tangpaisalkit, Deputy permanent secretary, Ministry of Transport, Thailand |
Session 7: Sectoral Issues – Industry and Waste
Chair: Junichi Fujino/ Rapporteur: Sebastien Bonnet |
Session Summary |
S7_1 |
Sectoral Issues-Opportunities and Challenges: Industry
Bongkoch Kittisompun, Department of industrial Work (DIW), Ministry of Industry, Thailand |
S7_2 |
Mitigation of GHG Emission from Solid Waste Disposal in Thailand
Chart Chiemchaisri, Kasetsart University, Thailand |
S7_3 |
Sectoral Issues:Opportunities and Challenges: Waste
Rangsan Pinthong, Wastes and hazardous Substances Management Bureau, Pollution Control Department, Thailand |
Session 8 Sectoral Issues – Agriculture and Forestry
Chair: Savitri Garivait/ Rapporteur: Eric Zusman |
Session Summary |
S8_1 |
ภาคเกษตรกรรมกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงภูมิอากาศ…: โอกาส&ความท้าทาย
Ratchanee Sonkranok, Office of Agriculture Economics, Thailand |
S8_2 |
Transition towards Low Carbon Societies in Agricultural Sector
Pitayakon Limtong, Land Development Department, Ministryof Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand |
S8_3 |
Forest Land Management in Thailand
Korn Manassrisuksi, Forest Land management Bureau, Royal Forest Department, Thailand |
Session 9: Sectoral Issues – Urban Infrastructure and Building
Chair: Boyd Dionysius Joeman/ Rapporteur: Komsilp Wangyao |
Session Summary |
S9_1 |
Green Design & Planning of Urban Infrastructure in Asian Cities
Ariya Aruninth, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
S9_2 |
Sustainable Building Design and Education
Acharawan Chutarat, School of Architecture and Design-KMUTT, Thailand |
S9_3 |
New Building Energy Code & Government Policies of Thailand
Pattana Rakkwamsuk, School of Energy, Environment and Materials, KMUTT, Thailand |
Session 10: Low Carbon Societies (LCS) Modelling and Scenarios Development
Chair: Mikiko Kainuma/ Rapporteur: Rahul Pandey |
Session Summary |
S10_1 |
Sustainable Transport for Low Carbon Society in Nepal: Institutional and Other Challenges
Ram Manohar Shrestha, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand |
S10_2 |
Japan and Asian Low-Carbon Society Scenarios and Actions
Junichi Fujino, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan |
Wrap-up Session of the Whole Meeting
Co-Moderator: Sirintornthep Towprayoon and Shuzo Nishioka/ Rapporteur: Komsilp Wangyao |
Session Summary |
WU |
Prompt Report of the Meeting with Key Messages
Rahul Pandey (IIM Lucknow), India and Kyoko Miwa (LCS-RNet Secretariat/ IGES), Japan |
Closing ceremony:
Sirithan Pairoj-Boriboon, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO), Thailand |