Low Carbon News in Laos in August 2016
Lao PDR has experience rapid economic growth and poverty reduction in the past decade. Its priority economic sectors, such as energy and mining, heavily depend on natural resources uses and pose challenges to the medium and long term sustainability ad inclusiveness of the country’s economic growth. The government’s desire and political commitment to green growth as an innovative development partway is clearly demonstrated in the Lao PDR Development vision to 2030, ten year social-economic Development Strategy and the 8th Five-year social Economic Development Plan 2016-2020. his commitment is further echoed in the government’s decision of formulating a National Green Growth Strategy to identify opportunities, policies, investment and institutions for green growth implementation.
On 23-24 August 2016-National Green Growth Workshop
Jointly Organized by Ministry of Planning and Investment and The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), The Lao PDR National Workshop on Green Growth is a two day event targeting more than 50 senior level policy makers from national Planning finance, and sector ministries as well as representative from sub-national and local government, private sector, civil society and academia. Representative from international organization, official from the government of Cambodia. And other top international experts, will be present to share knowledge and experience. Main objectives of the workshop.
Please see in the link.