16 Oct 2013|Teh Bor Tsong (Malaysia):Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Low Carbon News in Malaysia in September 2013

SEDA Malaysia Announces Deferment of Release of Solar PV Quota for Individuals to 18th September 2013

Date: 11 September 2013

Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA Malaysia) today announced the next release of 1,500kW (or 1.5MW) solar PV quota for the individual will be on the Wednesday, 18th September 2013. SEDA Malaysia recently announced the release of 1,500kW solar PV quota for individuals which would be released in three batches. The second batch of 500kW solar PV quota which should have been release on 4th September 2013 but was called off due to an unexpected overwhelming number of incoming traffic to SEDA Malaysia’s portal. The overwhelming interest in this Programme from the public exceeded SEDA’s Malaysia’s expectations and has prevented the system from catering to the sudden increase in load. SEDA Malaysia will fortify the portal’s servers to sustain the incoming traffic in the next release.

Reference/ Link: http://seda.gov.my/?omaneg=00010100000001010101000100001000000000000000000000&y=45&s=3024


SEDA Malaysia Announces Deferment of Release of Solar PV Quota for Individuals to 18th September 2013

11 September 2013


Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA Malaysia) announced the next release of 1,500 kW (or 1.5 MW) solar PV quota for the individual will be on the Wednesday, 18th September 2013. SEDA Malaysia recently announced the release of 1,500kW solar PV quota for individuals which would be released in three batches. The first 500kW quota was released on 28th August 2013 (Wednesday) and the response was tremendous as all the quotas were fully allocated within the first hour of release.


The second batch of 500kW solar PV quota which should have been released on 4th September 2013 but was called off due to an unexpected overwhelming number of incoming traffic to SEDA Malaysia’s portal. This is the first time the opening of solar PV quota for the individuals have attracted so much interest. “We had expected the quota for individuals to be taken at similar rate based on our past experiences since the launch of Solar Rooftop Programme on 24th September 2012. The overwhelming interest in this Programme from the public exceeded SEDA Malaysia’s expectations and has prevented the system from catering to the sudden huge increase in load. SEDA Malaysia will fortify the portal’s servers to sustain the incoming traffic in the next release. The e-FiT system is currently undergoing enhancement to provide a more user-friendly portal with automatic real-time update of the quota available for any Feed-in Approval application.


After completion of all verification process for all individual feed-in approval applications, SEDA Malaysia has refused many due to incomplete submission and insufficient information. Hence, the additional 500kW Solar PV quota for individual, making up the total available quota to 1,500kW. This will also be the final release of quota for solar PV for 2013. SEDA Malaysia reminded all applicants to comply with all the requirements to ensure a successful application. Applicants must ensure all information submitted through the e-FiT online system is accurate, clear and precise as any ambiguity may result in automatic refusal. Applicants must ensure that:

i) Declaration form must be uploaded to the e-FiT online system within three (3) calendar days from the application date; and

ii) The hardcopy of the declaration form and proof of payment of application and processing fees must be received by SEDA Malaysia within seven (7) calendar days from the application date.


In addition, SEDA Malaysia emphasized the critical need to adhere to application procedures pertaining to solar PV rules for the individuals:


i. Solar PV quota for the individuals will be applicable only for premises under individual names only. These premises could include houses and shops.

ii. Individuals leasing houses from companies will not be qualified for the Feed-in Approval (FiA) application.

iii. Individuals leasing from families (such as grandparents, parents / in-laws, siblings, children) are allowed. Evidence must be provided on the relationship between the lessor and lessee.


Any application which fails to comply with the requirements afore mentioned or deemed to be incomplete may result in refusal by SEDA Malaysia. SEDA Malaysia is taking a strict approach in approving all the applications and will not entertain any queries once the application has been submitted and processed. Hence, every application made either by the eligible producer or an authorised representative or agent of the eligible producer shall ensure 100% accuracy and completeness of the submission for Feed in Approval.


References: http://seda.gov.my/?omaneg=00010100000001010101000100001000000000000000000000&y=45&s=3024

Prepared by: Teh Bor Tsong, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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