Day 1 |
Opening Ceremony and Key Note Speeches |
1_1 |
Welcoming Speech
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, Senior Research Advisor, IGES, Japan, Secretary General, LoCARNet
Prof. Datuk Ir Dr Wahid Omar, Vice Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
HE Ambassador Christophe Penot, French Ambassador to Malaysia |
1_2 |
Opening Speech
Mr. Nobuhiro Kino, Director, International Cooperation Office, Ministry of the Environmnent Japan (MOEJ) |
1_2 |
Officiating Speech
YAB. Dato Mohamed Khaled Nordin,Menteri Besar Johor |
KS1-1 |
Keynote Speech 1-1 French Government’s Expectation for Asia and COP21 and Beyond
HE Ambassador Christophe Penot, French Ambassador to Malaysia |
KS1-2 |
Keynote Speech 1-2 National Green Technology Master Plan
Paul Wong, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology, and Water (KeTTHA), Malaysia |
KS1-3 |
Keynote Speech 1-3 Bridging the Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, Senior Research Advisor, IGES, Japan |
KS1-4 |
Keynote Speech 1-4 Pursuing Green Growth for Sustainability and Resilience in Malaysian Cities
Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Siong, Director, UTM – Low Carbon Asia Research Centre, UTM, Malayasia |
Brief Introduction on UTM – Low Carbon Asia Research Centre, Exhibitions, Special Issues on Low Carbon Asia
Assoc Prof. Dr. Lee Chew Tin, Director for Global Education, UTM International, Malaysia
Prof. Dr.Jirí Jaromír Klemeš, University of Pannonia, Hungary;
Appointed Executive Editor, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier |
Breakout Session 1 : Business, Finance and Industry
Chair: Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Distinguished Adjunct Faculty, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)/Special Advisor, Y-Port Centre, City of Yokohama/Distinguished Fellow, IGES, Japan |
BS1-1 |
Domestic and International Finance
Assoc Prof. Dr. Tomonori Sudo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan |
BS1-2 |
Progress of Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
Mr. Nobuhiro Kino, Director, International Cooperation Office, Ministry of the Environmnent Japan (MOEJ) |
BS1-3 |
International Conference of Low Carbon Asia
Mr. Boyd Dionysius Joeman, Head, Environment, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Malaysia |
Breakout Session 2 : Low Carbon Society, Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Local Actions
Chair: Yasuhiko Hotta, Area Leader, SCP Area, IGES, Japan |
BS2-1 |
Low Carbon Society and Sustainable Consumption and Production
Dr. Yasuhiko Hotta, Area Leader, SCP Area, IGES, Japan |
BS2-2 |
Household Electricity Demand Forecast and Energy Savings Potential for Selected Countries in Southeast Asia
Dr. Pongsun Bunditsakulchai, Research Fellow, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
BS2-3 |
Climate Benefit of Sound Waste Management and Recycling
Dr. Shazwin Taib, Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM, Malaysia |
BS2-4 |
Lifestyle Change for Low Carbon and Resource Efficient City – Transformative Actions by City of Sapporo, Japan
Ms. Misato Nojima and Ms. Maya Kudo
Eco-City Promotion Department, Environmental Bureau, City of Sapproro, Japan |
Day 2 |
KS2-1 |
Climate Change: Key Findings of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
Prof. Dr. Fredolin Tangang, Vice-Chair WGI, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), UKM, Malaysia |
KS2-2 |
Finance and Resource Mobilization for Low Carbon in Asia
Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Distinguished Adjunct Faculty, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)/Special Advisor, Y-Port Centre, City of Yokohama/Distinguished Fellow, IGES, Japan |
KS2-3 |
Climate Mitigation: From Global to Regional and Local Levels
Datuk Dr. Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman, President/Chief Exective Officer, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), Malaysia |
KS2-4 |
Japan’s INDC and International Cooperation for Low Carbon Society through SATREPS
Prof. Kenji Yamaji, Director-General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan |
KS2-5 |
Aligning Long-term Climates Stabilization Target with Near-term Actions
Prof. P.R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India |
Breakout Session 3 : Resilient Cities
Chair: Mr. Toshizo Maeda, Director, IGES Regional Centre, Thailand |
BS3-1 |
Evaluation of the Resiliency of the Silang – Santa Rosa Subwatershed Laguna, Philippines
Prof. Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines |
BS3-2 |
Develop and Implement the Climate Change Resilience Action Plan in Can Tho City
Dr. Ky Quang Vinh, Director, Climate Change Coordination Office of Can Tho City, Vietnam |
BS3-3 |
Managing Natural Disaster for Resilient Urban Transportation Infrastructure
Prof. Dr. Kwang Sik Kim, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM, Malaysia |
BS3-4 |
Sources of Financing for Climate Change Adaptation: Opportunities and Stresses
Dr. Peter N. King, USAID Adapt Asia- Pacific |
Breakout Session 4 : Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)
Chair: Dr. Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan |
BS4-1 |
Assesment of INDCs toward 2 degree target and Discussion Process in Japan
Dr Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan. |
BS4-2 |
Experience and Challenges in Preparing INDC
Mr. Uy Kamal, Deputy Director, Climate Change Department, National Council for Sustainable Development, Cambodia |
BS4-3 |
Thailand’s INDC
Dr. Bundit Limmeechokchai, SIIT Thammasat University, Thailand |
BS4-4 |
India’s INDC 2015 : An Assessment
Prof. P.R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India |
BS4-5 |
INDC China
Dr. Hancheng Dai, Research Associate, Integrated Assessment Modelling Section, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, NIES, Japan |
Breakout Session 5 : GHG Reduction Planning and Concrete Actions
Chair: Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan |
BS5-1 |
Vietnam’s GHG emission reduction planning and actions
Dr. Nguyen Tung Lam, Director, Centre for Information, Consultancy, Training, Institute of Strategy, Policy on Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietman |
BS5-2 |
Indonesia GHG Reduction Planning, Mitigation Actions and INDC
Dr. Ucok Siagian, Senior Researcher, Center for Research on Energy Policy, Insitute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia |
BS5-3 |
Climate Change International Technical and Training Center (CITC)
Ms. Chanyaphak Wathanachinda, Climate Change International Technical and Training Center (CITC) / Capacity Building and Outreach Office, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) |
BS5-4 |
Introduction of “Kyoto Environmental Activities Association” and our activities
Mr. Shunsuke Shimbori, Miyako Ecology Center, Japan |
Breakout Session 6 : Policies and Strategies on LULUCF toward Low Carbon Societies and Challenges in Their Implementation
Chair: Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia |
BS6-1 |
Policies and Strategies on LULUCF toward low carbon and challenges in Their Implementation
Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia |
BS6-2 |
Designing Low Carbon and Climate Resilience Watershed Management through Multi-Stakeholder Process: Study Case in Philippines
Prof. Dr. Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog, University of the Philippines Los Banons, Philippines |
BS6-3 |
Saving Tropical Forest through Governor Climate Forum: Challenge and opportunities
Mr. Bernadinus Steni, Governors Climate and Forest Task Force (GCF) Coordinator, Earth Innovation Institute (Yayasan Penelitian Inovasi Bumi – INOBU), Indonesia |
BS6-4 |
Policy and Strategies for the Implementation of REDD+ and Development of its MRV System: Malaysia Case
Dr.Mohd Azuwan Abdullah / Dr. Elizabeth Philip
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia |
BS6-5 |
Land Use Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research for Land Use Scenarios of Eco – Cities
Prof. Tsuyoshi Fujita, Director, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research, NIES, Japan |
BS6-6 |
Monitoring and Detection of Carbon Cycle Change using an Integrated Observation, Modeling and Analysis System
Dr. Nobuko Saigusa, Deputy Director, Center for Global Environmental Research, NIES, Japan |
Day 3 |
Wrap-up and The Way Forward
Chair: Assoc Prof. Dr. Sirintornthep Towprayoon, JGSEE, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand
Moderators: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, IGES, Japan / Prof. Dr. P.R. Shukla, IIMA, India |
WU_BS1 |
Breakout Session 1 : Business, Finance and Industry
Mr. Boyd Dionysius Joeman, Head, Environment, Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Malaysia |
WU_BS2 |
Session Summary
Breakout Session 2 : Low Carbon Society, Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Local Actions
Dr. Yasuhiko Hotta, IGES, Japan |
WU_BS3 |
Session Summary
Breakout Session 3 : Resilient Cities
Mr. Toshizo Maeda, Director, IGES Regional Centre, Thailand |
WU_BS4 |
Session Summary
Breakout Session 4 : Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)
Chair: Dr. Toshihiko Masui, NIES, Japan |
WU_BS5 |
Session Summary
Breakout Session 5 : GHG Reduction Planning and Concrete Actions
Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan |
WU_BS6 |
Session Summary
Policies and Strategies on LULUCF toward Low Carbon and Challenges in Their Implementation
Prof. Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia |
Closing Remarks |
Finalizing LoCARnet Iskandar Malaysia Declaration (Message to COP21)
Mr. CHAU Loon Wai , Lecturer, Department of Urban and Regional Planning / UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre |
Discussion on LoCARNet Future Plan
Dr. Shuzo Nishioka, LoCARNet/IGES, Japan |
Remarks By the next Chair of the 5th Annual Meeting of LoCARNet
Dr. Ucok Siagian, Senior Researcher, Center for Research on Energy Policy, Insitute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia |
Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya, Senior Director, UTM International, UTM, Malaysia |