Capacity Building Workshop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
■ Workshop title:
“Enhancing Actions for a Better Response to Climate Change – towards COP21 and Beyond” - Workshop for Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar
■ Date: 21 September 2015
■ Venue: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
■ Organiser: LoCARNet secretariat c/o Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES),
Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
■ Agenda: CLM workshop programme_0921
Summary of the workshop
Cambodia workshop “Enhancing Actions for a Better Response to Climate Change – towards COP21 and Beyond” – Workshop for Cambodia. Lao PDR, and Myamnar” was held on 21th September 2015 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
It was organised by LoCARNet, back to back with the capacity building training which organized by JICA, SATREPS (Kyoto University, National Institute for Environmental Studies and University of Technology Malaysia) and Mizuho Information and Research institute on 22nd – 23rd September.
The workshop, introducing each countries’ INDC forming process, focused on how each countries’ government engage their domestic researchers to their policy formation, or how they should enhance it if it’s not been carried out.
Approximately 100 participants from both policy and research sectors in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand listened intently on how each countries’ INDC and low carbon studies are currently proceeding.