LCS-RNet 11th Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy | Day 1 October 17 2019

(30 mins)

Welcome addresses

  • Mr. (Head of the Department for Sustainability ENEA, Italy)

Introduction of the meeting

  • Ms. (LCS-RNet Secretariat – IGES, Japan)
(25×4 = 100 mins)
Discussion: 20 mins

Plenary 1: How can innovation and international collaboration help achieving a low carbon resilient society? (ENEA-NIES)

Chair: Ms. (ENEA, Italy)
Rapporteur: Mr. (ENEA, Italy)
  1. Innovation and energy transition (Mr. – IRENA)
  2. Technology framework under the UNFCCC: the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) experience (Mr. – CTCN)
  3. Developing countries’ perspective (Mr. – ERI, China) (via video link)
  4. Technology transfer activities by ENEA in the context of ENEA-Italian MoE Agreement (Ms. – ENEA, Italy)
(15×4 = 60 mins)
Discussion: 30 mins

Parallel session 1-1: Key themes in the new technology framework: Innovation, implementation, capacity building, stakeholder involvement and finance.

Chair: Mr. (ENEA, Italy)

Rapporteur: Mr. – CTCN)

  1. Actions taken by IFAD (Mr. , IFAD – Rome)
  2. Capacity building for new technologies (Mr. ,GIZ, Germany)
  3. Implementation of new technologies in Malaysia to achieve low carbon societies – Innovation, capacity building and stakeholder involvement (Mr. – UTM, Malaysia)

Parallel session 1-2: Increase NDCs ambitions, the global stocktake process

Chair: Mr. (NIES, Japan)

Rapporteur: Mr. (IGES, Japan)

  1. Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement and the costs of delayed action (Mr. – UCL, UK)
  2. The economic implications of Nationally Determined Contributions: An analysis on growth and competitiveness (Mr. – CMCC, Italy)
  3. Tool for global stocktake and scenario analysis (comparison using “template”) (Mr. (CIRED, France) and Mr. (NIES, Japan))
  4. Implementing NDC in Thailand (Mr. – SIIT-TU, Thailand)
(15×5 = 75 mins)
Discussion: 15 mins

Plenary 2: Material efficiency and circularity of bulk materials as core GHG mitigation levers (Wuppertal Institute – ENEA)

Chair: Mr. (WI, Germany)

Rapporteur: Mr. (ENEA, Italy)

  1. Material efficiency and circularity as key lever for climate mitigation and sustainability (Mr. – WI, Germany)
  2. Material efficiency in clean energy transitions (Ms. – IEA)
  3. Climate policy interactions with resource use, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and human health (Mr. – UCL, UK)
  4. European initiatives for material efficiency and circularity (Ms. – ENEA, Italy)
(15×5 = 75 mins)
Discussion: 15 mins

Parallel Session 2-1: National and sectoral strategies for combined material efficiency and GHG mitigation

Chair: Ms. (ENEA, Italy)

Rapporteur: Mr. (CIRED, France)

  1. French vision for a circular economy and associated research programs to measure the impacts of a more circular economy by 2050 (Ms. – ADEME, France)
  2. Circular economy and GHG mitigation strategies from Japan: Building a Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere to achieve a sustainable society (Mr. – NIES, Japan)
  3. GIZ’s Nigeria’s support towards achieving National and sectoral strategies for GHG mitigation in the industrial and building sector (Ms. (Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP), GiZ))
  4. Multi-sectoral wide EU approach for the closure of the loop of a critical raw material: the European phosphorus platform (Ms. – Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy)

Parallel Session 2-2: Restructuring of processing industries and local strategies for material efficiency and climate mitigation

Chair: Mr. (WI, Germany)

Rapporteur: Mr. (IGSA Labs, India)

  1. Industrial decarbonization and industrial policy (Mr. , University of Lund, Sweden)
  2. Action in cities: housing and SDGs in Mexico (Mr. – University of Southern Denmark)
  3. Local low-carbon strategy in the UK (Mr. – University of Leeds, UK)
  4. Tools for resource efficiency and GHG mitigation: Industrial Symbiosis and Resources Audit (Ms. – ENEA, Italy)

Summary of the day by chairmen and rapporteurs: discussion



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