COP19 Side-event: Transition to Low-Carbon Resilient Societies: From Theory to Reality

■ Date & Time: 12:30-14:00, Tuesday, 19 November 2013COP19LCS
■ Venue: Japan pavilion at COP19
Co-organisers:International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet)
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

To stabilise our climate, zero emissions of GHG are required eventually, and adaptation to the social changes along with this seems to be inevitable. So it is not only a matter of energy supply system but we need structural changes and a revolution in the existing socio-economic system as a whole. We are in a period of huge transition in our modern history. To accelerate a transition, more comprehensive approaches including dematerialisation, enhancement of city Initiatives, reform of energy market with competition and cooperation, as well as up-scaling private investment to low-carbon/green economy. Some emerging issues are, for instance, the evaluation of the long- term pros and cons of introducing shale gas, and how to leverage green investment to realise a new economic regime for a low-carbon society. This side-event aims to share knowledge and key findings of the outcomes of the International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet), consisting of researchers and experts working on the front line of governmental policy-making processes.


Outline of presentations and discussions

–       How should we deal with mitigation and adaptation in an integrated manner, from a global risk management aspect?

–       What roles is played by low-carbon and resilient investment, through green technology, technology innovation and finance, and can they serve as leverage to recover from the economic crisis?

–       How should we strengthen climate policies in response to increasing new sources of cheap energy, such as shale gas?

–       How should we approach electricity system reform as a common carrier of various types of new energy and demand-side controller?

–       Cities are good units to lead the transition. How should we promote a bottom-up approach by cities?

–       How can we support and convey our experiences to emerging economies, especially in Asia, towards low-carbon, resilient development?

–       How can we create resource efficiency improvements which can contribute to reducing energy on the demand side and reflect them into policies?


MC: Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan

12:30-12:35 (5 mins) Opening RemarksMr. Junichi Shiraishi, Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOEJ)
12:35-13:00 (25 mins) Report of the LCS-RNet 5th Annual Meeting – Accelerating the Transition to Low Carbon Societies – from Theory to Reality –Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, NIES, Japan, andDr. Sergio La Motta, National Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment (ENEA), Italy
13:00-13:20 (20 mins) Special Report: Triggering Finance for a Low Carbon TransitionDr. Jean-Charles Hourcade, International Research Center on Environmentand Development (CIRED), France
13:20-13:55 (35 mins) Round Talk: “Towards Low-Carbon Transition, What We Can Learn from Different Approaches Taken in Different Countries, What Are Common Agendas to Address?”Facilitator:Dr. Mikiko Kainuma, NIES, JapanPanelists:Mr. David Warrilow, the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

Dr. Jean-Charles Hourcade, CIRED, France

Dr. Antonio Navarra, CMCC/FEEM, Italy

Dr. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives, Switzerland

Dr. Junichi Fujino, NIES, Japan

13:55-14:00 (5 mins) Closing


Related publication:
LCS-RNet synthesis report:

 LCS-RNet 5th Annual Meeting:



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