Researchers Meeting : International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies -LCS-RNet 1-2 April 2009, Trieste, Italy

■ Date: 1 – 2 April 2009
■ Venue: New Congress Center, AREA Science Park, Trieste, Italy
Co-organised by the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, Italy, and the LCS-RNet Secretariat
■ Agenda: Agenda_Trieste_1-2April_20090401.pdf
■ Presentations:
Introduction Secretariat_RM_Day1_rev5.pdf
CMCC CMCC_trieste.pdf
FEEM FEEM_trieste.pdf
UKERC UKERC_trieste.pdf
IDDRI IDDRI_trieste.pdf
Wuppertal Institute WI_trieste.pdf
NIES NIES_trieste.pdf
ENEA 1 ENEA1_trieste.pdf
ENEA 2 ENEA2_trieste.pdf
ADEME ADEME_trieste.pdf
IGES IGES_trieste.pdf
NIER NIER_trieste.pdf
OECD OECD_trieste.pdf
IEA IEA_trieste.pdf