Synthesis Report |
Preface |
Ten Key Findings |
Synthesis or Findings
1. States of LCS: Status, research, plans and actions for achieving low-carbon societies
2. Stakeholder engagement, governance, and the role of citizens and cities
3. Transitioning to a low-carbon society
4. Role of science: How can economics and social sciences advance a LCS? |
List of Participants |
Table of Presentations |
Acknowledgement |
Panel Summaries and presentations
Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Stefan Lechtenböhmer (WI) and Jean-Pierre Tabet (ADEME) |
Welcome note
Host from German Environmental Ministry |
Welcome note by LCS-RNet Secretariat
Shuzo Nishioka, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) |
Panel 1 – What policymakers need from the LCS-RNet:
Chair: Carlo Carraro (CMCC, FEEM, University of Venice) |
P1-1 |
What policy-makers need from the LCS-RNet?
Franzjosef Schafhausen, Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU), Germany |
P1-2 |
Delivering GHG reductions and energy security:
UK climate change and energy policies
Nafees Meah, Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), UK |
P1-3 |
Mid- and long-term roadmap for global warming countermeasures
Yasuo Takahashi, Ministry of the Environment (MOEJ), Japan |
P1-4 |
EU low carbon strategy and research needs from the LCS-RNet
Jan Nill, European Commission (EC) |
Panel 2.1 – National roadmaps on green development: An industrialised countries’ perspective
Chair: David McLaughlin (NRTEE) / Rapporteur: Isabella Kavafian (NRTEE) |
Session Summary |
P2.1-1 |
Scenarios – How to make scenarios work? Examples from the work of UBA
Harry Lehmann, Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany |
P2.1-2 |
UK Energy 2050: the Transition to a secure low-carbon energy system for the UK
Mark Winskel, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)/Edinburgh Univ., UK |
P2.1-3 |
Low carbon Russia: Perspectives after crisis
Igor Bashmakov, Center for Energy Efficiency (CENEf), Russian Federation |
P2.1-4 |
Transition towards LCS in a second-best world
Improving models and their use: An attempt in the French context
Jean-Charles Hourcade and Frederic Ghersi,
International Research Centre on the Environment and Development (CIRED), France |
Panel 2.2 – Green Leaps for emerging economies
Chair: P.R. Shukla (IIM Ahmedabad) / Rapporteur: Rahul Pandey (IIM Lucknow) |
Session Summary |
P2.2-1 |
Climate change initiatives: Toward low carbon development
Syamsidar Thamrin, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Indonesia |
P2.2-2 |
Towards a low carbon future in Brazil: Voluntary goals for 2020
Emilio Lebre La Rovere, Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil |
P2.2-3 |
Transition to low carbon economies in developing countries.
Case study: Bangladesh
Nafees Meah, Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), UK |
Panel 3.1 – National roadmaps on green development: A developing countries’ perspective
Chair: Jean-Charles Hourcade(CIRED) / Rapporteur: Eric Vidalenc (ADEME) |
Session Summary |
P3.1-1 |
Low carbon society: A green roadmap for India
P.R. Shukla, Indian Institute of Management, (IIM), Ahmedabad, India |
P3.1-2 |
Towards a low carbon future in Brazil: Voluntary goals for 2020
Carolina Dubeux, Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil |
P3.1-3 |
Research and practice of low carbon society in China
Cai Bofeng, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CAEP),China |
Panel 3.2 – Green Economy as a successful model for innovation of industrialised countries
Chair: Bert Metz (ECF) / Rapporteur: Oscar Amerighi (ENEA) |
Session Summary |
P3.2-1 |
Green economy as a successful model for innovation in industrialised countries – Canada
David McLaughlin, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE), Canada |
P3.2-2 |
100 % renewable energy scenarios for Denmark
Kirsten Halsnaes, DTU Climate Centre Riso, Denmark |
P3.2-3 |
Promoting green innovation and green growth:
Policy instruments and challenges in terms of employment and human capital
Patricia Crifo, Univ. of Paris West and Ecole Polytechnique, France |
P3.2-4 |
European Investment Bank
Gunnar Muent, European Investment Bank (EIB) |
P3.2-5 |
Governments, governance and the transition to a low carbon economy
Andy Gouldson, Univ. of Leeds, UK |
Panel 4 – Towards a research programme: How to come from here to there
Chair: Stefan Lechtenböhmer (WI) / Rapporteur: Andy Gouldson (Univ. of Leeds) |
Session Summary |
P4-1 |
The role of interdisciplinary science in the transition to a low carbon society
Jan Rotmans, Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT), The Netherlands |
P4-2 |
The role of science in the transition to a sustainable low carbon society
Jill Jaeger, The Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), Austria |
Panel 5.1 – Behavioural change: Models for sustainable consumption and production
Chair: Christa Liedke (WI) / Rapporteur: Julia Nordmann (WI) |
Session Summary |
P5.1-1 |
Can sustainable lifestyles `trickle up´?
Birgit Munck-Kampmann
European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC/SCP) |
P5.1-2 |
Towards sustainable civilisation: How to bend the trend from unsustainable reality towards sustainable lifestyles?
Maria Jolanta Welfens, Wuppertal Institute (WI), Germany |
P5.1-3 |
Transforming lifestyles and consumption patterns towards sustainable low-carbon society
Magnus Bengtsson, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan |
P5.1-4 |
An approach to sufficiency carbon society: A case study of Thailand
Sirintornthep Towprayoon, King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand |
Panel 5.2 – A successful example: Communities and interest groups as promoters of LCS
Chair: Harriet Bulkeley (Durham University) / Rapporteur: Vanesa Castán-Broto (Durham University) |
Session Summary |
P5.2-1 |
Innovation City
Anette Bickmeyer, E.ON/ Initiativkreis Ruhr, Germany |
P5.2-2 |
Promotion of dialogue for policy making:
Case of the long-term significant reduction in GHG emissions
Masanobu Ishikawa, Kobe University, Japan |
P5.2-3 |
Solar water heater case study – Lwandle and Kuyasa, Cape Town
Steve Thorne, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), South Africa |
Panel 6.1 – Changing society: Social support of LCS and transition policy
Chair: Mikiko Kainuma (NIES) / Rapporteur: David Garber (EPA) |
Session Summary |
P6.1-1 |
Energy innovation milestones to 2050
Paul Ekins, Univ. College London, UK |
P6.1-2 |
Transition governance for a sustainable low carbon society
Derk Loorbach,
Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), The Netherlands |
P6.1-3 |
Towards low carbon society: Role of civil society
Rahul Pandey, IGSA Labs/ Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, India |
P6.1-4 |
Barriers to low carbon growth: Lessons from EU Roadmap 2050
Bert Metz, European Climate Foundation (ECF), The Netherlands |
P6.1-5 |
Brazil carbon market model
Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), Brazil |
Panel 6.2 – Local governance towards a green society: How can cities act in a multilevel world?
Chair: Jørgen Lund Madsen, ICLEI / Rapporteur: Hanna Scheck, WI, Germany |
Session Summary |
P6.2-1 |
Copenhagen climate plan
Jørgen Lund Madsen, City of Copenhagen, Denmark / ICLEI |
P6.2-2 |
Hannover Climate Alliance 2020 – On the way to a low carbon city
Astrid Hoffmann-Kallen, City of Hannover, Germany |
P6.2-3 |
Rethinking cities in a post carbon society
Jacques Theys, Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable, Development and Sea (MEEDDM), France
and Eric Vidalenc, Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), France |
Panel 7 – Research Cooperation and Policy Learning
Chair: Jean-Pierre Tabet (ADEME) / Rapporteur: Mark Winskel(UKERC) |
P7-1 |
Formulation of LCS
Kyoko Miwa, LCS-RNet Secretariat/ IGES, Japan |
P7-2 |
Research drifts in the time of political transition: Japan’s case
Shuzo Nishioka, LCS-RNet Secretariat/ IGES, Japan |
P7-3 |
Country brief: Canada
Isabella Kavafian, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE), Canada |
P7-4 |
Climate change: Where research meets policy in the United States
David Garber, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA |
P7-5 |
Low carbon society in China
Cai Bofeng, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CAEP), China |
P7-6 |
Review of long term visions and strategies for a sustainable Germany
Sarah Rieseberg, Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany |
P7-7 |
Italian best practices towards a low carbon society
Part I: Giulia Galluccio, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC), Italy
Part II: Sergio La Motta
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, (ENEA), Italy |

Panel 8 – Resume and Closing of the conference
Moderators: Jean-Pierre Tabet(ADEME) / Stefan Lechtenböhmer (WI) |
Discussion based on Panels 1 and 7
Presentation of conference outcomes with two or three impulse statements |