The 10th LCS-RNet Annual Meeting in Yokohama, Japan

Plenary 1: Opening
Opening address
Michihiro Oi (MOEJ, Japan)
Hideo Harasawa (NIES, Japan)
P1_3 Keynote speech
Priyadarshi R. Shukla (Ahmedabad University, India/IPPC WGⅢ co-chair)
Breakout session 1A: 1.5/2 Degree Target and Long-term Low-carbon Global Development Strategy
Chair: Christophe Cassen (CIRED, France)
1A_1 The Transition in Energy Demand Sectors to Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C
– An Overarching Modeling Approach and Its Policy Implications

Christophe Cassen (CIRED, France)
1A_2 Deep Decarbonization Pathways Compatible with National Priorities and Global Climate Objective
– Lessons from a Sectoral Perspective: Transport

Yann Briand (IDDRI, France)
1A_3 Scenario Analysis on Mid-century Low Emission Pathways in Japan
Ken Oshiro (MHIR, Japan)
1A_4 Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions

– Framework Conditions and Transformative Changes in Selected Focus Countries

Julia Terrapon-Pfaff (WI, Germany)
Breakout session 1B :Impact and Adaptation
Chair: Kiyoshi Takahashi (NIES, Japan)
1B_1 French Multi-level Governance of Climate Change Adaptation
– The Facilitating Role of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency

Celine Phillips (ADEME, France)
1B_2 Integration of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation into Development Plan
Rizaldi Boer (IPB, Indonesia)
1B_3 Japan’s Experiences for Climate Change Adaptation
Yasuaki Hijioka (NIES, Japan)
1B_4 KACCC’s Experiences for Climate Change Adaptation in the Republic of Korea
Taehyun Kim (KACCC/KEI, Republic of Korea)
Breakout session 2A : Innovation and Transition
Chair: Stefan Lechtenböhmer (Wuppertal Institute, Germany)
2A_1 Innovation and Transitions to Low Carbon Societies: Lessons from the UK
Jim Watson (UKERC, UK)
2A_2 Enabling a Low-CO2 Transition through Innovation
– Industrial Low-CO2 Technologies on the Horizon

Matilda Axelson (Vrije Universiteit Burussel, Belgium)
2A_3 GJETC as a Role Model of Bilateral Cooperation

Ichiro Kutani (IEE, Japan)
2A_4 Overview: Environmental Innovations in Japan
Hideyuki Mori (IGES, Japan)
Breakout session 2B: Actions in Developing World
Chair: Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
2B_1 Actions in the Developing World: Decarbonized Thailand
Bundit Limmeechokchai (SIIT-TU, Thailand)
2B_2 Moving Towards to Low Carbon Future: Energy Transition in China
Jiang Kejun (ERI, China)
2B_3 Urban Actions to Support NDCs Implementation
Nicola Tollin (University of Southern Denmark)
2B_4 Facilitating a Low-Carbon Transiton in the Developing World
Ambuj Sagar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India)
2B_5 Carbon Neutral Developmet in Bhutan towards 2050
Kei Gomi (NIES, Japan) / Yuki Ochi (E-Konzal, Japan)
2B_6 Bhutan’s Fundamentals for Happiness: ‘Sustainability’ Transition Pathways
Miho Kamei (IGES, Japan)
Plenary2: Closing
P2 Summary of each breakout session
Discussion on future work and proposal toward decarbonised society
Closing remarks

Mikiko Kainuma (IGES, Japan)

Archive (English)