27 Feb 2013|--

The Second Annual LEDS Global Partnership Workshop

LEDS, US: Approximately 180 experts and government officials from 38 countries and more than two dozen international institutions, development organizations, universities, technical institutes, and businesses met in Pattaya, Thailand from February 27 to March 1, 2013, to share knowledge and experiences, identify new priorities, and strengthen a growing international network on low emission development strategies (LEDS).  At the second annual LEDS Global Partnership workshop, entitled “Learning and Leading on LEDS”, practitioners and policymakers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America presented real-world case studies and good practices, engaged in facilitated group discussions on priority themes, and developed action plans to improve coordination on low emission development across programs and countries. The USAID Low Emissions Asian Development (LEAD) program provided technical and logistical support for the workshop. (Source: http://lowemissionsasia.org/news/asian-countries-demonstrate-leadership-global-event-low-carbon-development)

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