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  • 2023.03.17

    LoCARNet 11th Annual Meeting

    Using the Asia-Pacific Integrated Assessment Models (AIMs), the AIM project team has been working with and supporting researchers in Asia in conducting quantitative analyses, such as evaluating policy options and developing emissions reduction scenarios, thereby contributing to ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies. In this fiscal year, with support from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, the AIM project team has supported researchers in several countries in developing medium/long-term scenarios, and convening science and policy dialogues involving various stakeholders concerned. Facilitating science-based dialogues and applying research results to actions on-site are new undertakings. This meeting is for showcasing our achievements this fiscal year and considering our plans for the next fiscal year and beyond. In addition, this meeting is a venue for sharing our activities and experiences with others, and accumulating and exchanging scientific knowledge at the regional level.

    More details here